How do you buy real estate without money or bank assistance?
“So how do you get started with no money and no bank assistance”?
Great question. The answer is easy….but the process takes work, time, and devotion!That is something that most people are not willing to do!
Education is key! You must invest more in yourself then you do in anything else. Most people hear that and think about college, university, or some high end expensive real estate course!
Education can be free or very inexpensive…
Do you have a library card? If not, why? Ask yourself …” am I willing to do what others are not?”
You have a wealth of knowledge at your finger tips, for free! Do you take advantage of it? There is no Magic pill or fancy machine that will do it for you !!! (But beware many people out there will try to sell you the next magic pill)
I remember years ago I was given an opportunity to invest in my education. It was a real estate course in Toronto that required me to attend all day saturday and all day sunday and would cost me about $600 dollars.
The challenge was I had to work weekends at my job (J-ust O-ver B-roke) and I did not Have $600 dollars. I thought about this decision long and hard. I decided that I was sick and tired of being broke, struggling, feeling sorry for myself, and I needed to take back control of my life and do what was best for me!
I committed to myself that if I was to invest the money and devote my time to take this course I would do what ever it takes to succeed.
With that… I made my good friends at visa pay the course for me and I called in sick to work…so that cost me even more money! (all funds borrowed and lost were paid back by my real estate investments)
At the time it was a hard choice for me to make but life is about choices and this choice was a pivotal point in my life. I believed in ME. I was devoted. I was willing to do what ever it took to succeed.
In the course I learnt many valuable things but the one that stood out the most for me was…
2 letters J. V….
Joint Venture partners was the answer to my problem. I discovered that if I could position myself as the real estate expert and put in the time I could then attract, and partner with people that had money and credit but no time, knowledge or desire to deal with the daily tasks of real estate investing.
This one life defining moment….This one choice to invest in myself has paid of huge!
I Have since gone on to acquire multiple millions of dollars worth of cash flow real estate with out using my money or my credit…and more importantly it has allowed me to help others attain financial freedom as well! 🙂
So what’s my rate of return?
$ 0 of my money invested (course paid by visa and paid back by rental income)
Return … Infinite, cash flow, freedom, and the power and ability to help others!
The best investment you can make is in yourself…and it does not require money…and if it does require money it does not need to be your money!
The question is ….
1) Are you willing to do what others will not?
I hope that helps!
Any more questions or comments please post them on our blog!
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Financial freedom can be yours…. You deserve it….Now go out and get it!!!