rob ford babyWhat are the differences between Rob Ford and WAM. Well, let’s see:

ROB FORD was born in Etobicoke, Ontario and has never moved.

  • WAM Property Management was born in St. Catharines, Ontario and has grown throughout the Niagara, Region.

ROB FORD dreamed of being a famous football player but didn’t quite make the cut.

  • WAM Property Management dreamed of being the Top Player at REIN and has achieved that goal several times.

ROB FORD worked for his father’s company but did not make a career of it.

  • WAM Property Management started as young Entrepreneurs with no help from Dad and has made a huge lucrative career of it.

ROB FORD drives under the influence and has a DUI in Florida.

  • WAM “IS” the influence for many investors who want a property in Florida.

ROB FORD has been caught in the possession of Marijuana and proud of it.

  • WAM has bought and is in the possession of over 250 hundred units and proud of it!

ROB FORD has been seen with a clear glass pipe in one hand and a lighter in the other.

  • WAM’s crew is often seen with clear glass windows in one hand and light bulbs in the other.

          ROB FORRob-Ford-CrackD smokes crack.

  •                              WAM fixes cracks.

           ROB FORD has been known for slurring his words and being wasted.

  •                              WAM is known for showing their signs with their logo pasted.

           ROB FORD is as big as a house.

WAM buy’s big houses. (Multi-Family Properties to be Exact)

ROB FORD seeks a home to overcome his addiction.

  • WAM is addicted to seeking new investment homes.

 ROB FORD is large-and-no-longer-in-charge.

  • WAM is large and in-charge!

ROB FORD now has a new musical on its way with Second City. “The Birth of a Ford Nation.”

  • WAM now has a another new building on its way and soon will be investing throughout this great Nation!

ROB FORD does not make Canada Proud.                              Canadian-Flag3


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