What are the differences between Rob Ford and WAM. Well, let’s see:
ROB FORD was born in Etobicoke, Ontario and has never moved.
- WAM Property Management was born in St. Catharines, Ontario and has grown throughout the Niagara, Region.
ROB FORD dreamed of being a famous football player but didn’t quite make the cut.
- WAM Property Management dreamed of being the Top Player at REIN and has achieved that goal several times.
ROB FORD worked for his father’s company but did not make a career of it.
- WAM Property Management started as young Entrepreneurs with no help from Dad and has made a huge lucrative career of it.
ROB FORD drives under the influence and has a DUI in Florida.
- WAM “IS” the influence for many investors who want a property in Florida.
ROB FORD has been caught in the possession of Marijuana and proud of it.
- WAM has bought and is in the possession of over 250 hundred units and proud of it!
ROB FORD has been seen with a clear glass pipe in one hand and a lighter in the other.
- WAM’s crew is often seen with clear glass windows in one hand and light bulbs in the other.
- WAM fixes cracks.
ROB FORD has been known for slurring his words and being wasted.
- WAM is known for showing their signs with their logo pasted.
ROB FORD is as big as a house.
WAM buy’s big houses. (Multi-Family Properties to be Exact)
ROB FORD seeks a home to overcome his addiction.
- WAM is addicted to seeking new investment homes.
ROB FORD is large-and-no-longer-in-charge.
- WAM is large and in-charge!
ROB FORD now has a new musical on its way with Second City. “The Birth of a Ford Nation.”
- WAM now has a another new building on its way and soon will be investing throughout this great Nation!
ROB FORD does not make Canada Proud.
Please post your comments and questions below and we will try to be as politically correct in our answers as we can….